Sunday, December 30, 2012

Running Resolutions, 2013

I love making New Year's resolutions ~ even more so now that I'm in my 40's.  I've given a lot of thought about where I want to be in 5 years from now, what I want to be doing 10 years from now, and where I want to be when I retire.  Life truly is a gift, and I try so hard to make the most of the one I've been given.

I have several resolutions for 2013, but these are my running-related resolutions.

1)  Add variety to my running:  2012 was my year of running, consistently.  I ran 3 miles, 3-4 times a week, for just about each of the 52 weeks in 2012.  In 2013, I want to vary my runs a bit ~ adding a long run and/or a tempo run once a week.  I want to push myself to run with my husband (who is much faster than me) about once a month.  I want to try new trails that will keep my husky engaged and excited about going out on long runs with me.

2)  Stop, stretch and roll:  I used to love stretching, but as I've gained more responsibilities (job, family, household), I've needed to carve out time to run ~ and stretching was the first to get struck from my daily schedule.  But now that I'm older, I'm realizing that it's even more important to take the time to stretch, and take the time to use the foam roller and the Trigger Point Therapy kit that I received as a Christmas gift.

3)  Add strength training:  Honestly, even as I type this one, I'm thinking that it will be the first resolution to fall by the wayside.  I HATE lifting weights ~ primarily because I have no idea what I'm doing.  My husband bought me a book on the subject, last Christmas, and I've found it to be super-useful.  It shows photos of how each exercise should be performed, and gives tips on avoiding common mistakes.  But, I feel like a dork bringing a huge book on weightlifting to the gym.  And, we have a small house, and I feel like a dork exercising in front of the kids.  So, I'm looking for a better way to incorporate strength training into my exercise regime.  I'm thinking of trying CrossFit, but once again, am not sure where I would find the time.

4)  Run with joy:  This is something I do almost every time I go out on a run, but it's always nice to put this goal front and center.  I love going out on a run.  I love stretching my asthmatic lungs.  I love the repetitive strikes of my feet on the ground, and the way that mindless repetition helps me to relax.  I'm grateful that I can still run, and think of those friends and family who can no longer run (even though they were great athletes in their day) or who have passed (even though they completed more marathons than I could ever fathom entering).  I say a small prayer, thanking God for the blessings in my life.  I take a deep breath in the middle of a forested trail, and ask to stay humble.  Running is such an important part of my life.  Running is one of the greatest joys in my life (together with my family!!!).

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